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Class Expectations


Students are expected to follow classroom expectations and rules at all times. We are practicing the Zones of Regulation school-wide. (Please look at the "Zones of Regulation" website under the "Websites" tab.) Students are expected to be in the GREEN zone in order to be fully focused and engaged in learning. We have gone over many self-regulation tools and techniques to practice if they find themselves in another zone (yellow, red, or blue). Some of these techniques include taking deep breaths, taking a drink of water, removing yourself from a situation you don't like, etc. It is expected , on a daily basis, that students are doing everything they can to find themselves in the Green Zone. To help ensure your child is doing their best everyday, please encourage them to use tools to calm down, be focused, and engaged in learning. As their Teacher, my goal is to have your children as prepared for Fourth Grade as I can. As a student, your child's goal should be the same! :) 


Please encourage:

  • Talking ONLY when it's time for talking

  • LISTENING and FOCUSING during instruction

  • Putting forth full effort when completing classwork

  • Being RESPECTFUL. Use respectful words towards Mrs. Long, other adults, their classmates, and themselves. 

  • Having calm bodies. 

  • Making GOOD CHOICES all the time. (Standing in line correctly and quietly; sitting on the carpet quietly and attentively (this is not usually a good time to use the restroom); raising their hand; not shouting out...) 


The students start out with the letters "CHOICES" at the beginning of the week. When inappropriate choices are made, they may have a letter crossed out. If they have any remaining letters by Friday, they will eat lunch in the classroom. 


Students also receive "tickets" for making choices in the Green Zone. Every two weeks, the students may "cash in" their tickets for prizes from the StarShip Shuttle. These tickets will never be taken away, but other consequences will result from undesired behaviors. Some of these consequences include: our Safe Spot, a Break Room (another teacher's room where they can think and calm down), a loss of zones on the playground, thinking time in a "Safe House" during Recess, and Office time. I will notify parents if certain consequences take place. 


Thank you for helping your child have a successful day EVERY DAY!  

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